If you choose to use our website), your data may be treated by the following entities of the Falconer Logistics Service Group in Europe, hereinafter responsible:
(hereinafter, the website), your data may be treated by the following entities of the Falconer Logistics Service Group in Europe, hereinafter responsible:
It is informed that these data will be treated in accordance with the regulations in force in the protection of personal data, regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons in respect of Processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, so it is provided the information contained in this document:
By reading this privacy policy, the user is informed about the way in which the person responsible, treats and protects the personal data that is provided to him through the forms arranged through the website, as well as the of your browsing and other data that you can provide through any other media or support.
The User must read with careful attention this Privacy Policy, which has been written of clear and simple form, to facilitate its comprehension, and to determine free and voluntarily if you want to facilitate your personal details to the PERSON IN CHARGE.
The data requested in the forms of the Web are, in general, obligatory and are marked with an asterisk (except in the required field is specified otherwise) to comply with the established purposes. Therefore, if they are not facilitated or not facilitated correctly will not be able to attend them, without prejudice that will be able to view freely the contents of the Web site.
The personal data provided via the Web Site will be treated by the responsible have to maintain a commercial relationship with the user. The operations envisaged for the treatment are:
The user data shall be preserved by the responsible during the time required to comply with the purposes above or until opposes or revoke your consent. Time shall be abolished with adequate security measures to ensure the pseudonymization of data or the total destruction of the same.
The responsible may treat the following categories of user data, depending on the request made through the website or by any other means.
In case the User should facilitate information of third, it shows to be provided with the assent of the same ones and they promise to be moved by the information contained in the Politics of Privacy, exempting the PERSON IN CHARGE of any responsibility in this sense. Nevertheless, the PERSON IN CHARGE will be able to carry out the periodic cross-checks to state this fact, adopting the measurements of due diligence that correspond, in accordance with the information protection regulation.
The treatment of the data of the user by the person responsible is based on the consent that prompted and you can withdraw at any time. However, in the case of withdrawn consent, this does not affect the lawfulness of the treatments carried out previously.
The consents obtained for the above purposes are independent so that the user may revoke only one of them do not affect the other.
The users through the marking of the boxes and data entry in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the form of contact or presented in forms of download, expressly accept and a free and unequivocally, that their data are necessary to meet their request on the part of the service provider, being voluntary inclusion of data in the remaining fields. The user guarantees that the personal data provided to the responsible are truthful and is responsible for communicating any change of the same.
Your personal data may only be brought to the attention of companies of the Group Falconer Logistics Service or of service providers of the responsible exclusively for the provision of the purposes mentioned above.
The addresses referred to in this paragraph may be located within or outside the European Economic Area (EEA), while in the latter case duly legitimized international data transfers.
Also, in the event that your residence is outside the EEA, your data may be communicated to the offices of the Group Falconer Logistics Service, implying that there is an international transfer of data in order to manage and to carry out its request for information, registration, and admission.
The responsible informs and expressly guarantees users that their personal data will not be disclosed to any third parties and that always to undertake any type of transfer of personal data, it shall first request the express consent, informed and unequivocal by users.
Ensures that they are more than 16 years old and that the data they provide to responsible are true, exact, complete and updated. To these effects, the user responds to the veracity of all data to communicate and maintain conveniently updated the information provided, in such a way that responds to their actual situation.
Ensures that has informed the third-party of those who provide their data, if so, of the aspects contained in this document. It also ensures that has obtained your authorization to facilitate their data the responsible for the above purposes.
The user will be responsible for the false information or inaccurate you provide through the Web Site and the damage, direct or indirect, that this cause to the responsible or to third parties.
One of the purposes for which the responsible shall process the personal data provided by users is to send electronic communications personalized with information regarding the products, services, events, programs, promotions and news relevant to the users. Whenever you perform any communication of this kind, it will be directed solely and exclusively to those users who had not previously expressed their refusal to the receipt of the same.
To carry out this purpose will be a commercial profile based on your preferences, obtained on the basis of the information provided by the user or obtained, even from external sources.
The user can send a letter to our mail, with the reference "Data Protection", together with a photocopy of your identity document, at any time and free of charge, for:
Also, the interested party may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, where it considers that the responsible has infringed the rights that are recognized by the applicable regulations on data protection.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the interested party may contact the delegate of data protection the responsible whose contact details are
The user data is treated in every moment of form absolutely confidential and saving the prescriptive duty of confidentiality in respect of the same, in accordance with the rules of application, by adopting any measures of a technical nature and organizational measures to guarantee the security of its data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.
In this way and in accordance with the regulations in force in the protection of personal data, the person responsible is in compliance with all the provisions of GDPR for the treatment of the personal data of its responsibility, and manifestly with the principles described in the article 5 of GDPR, by whom are treated legally, fair and transparent in relation to the person concerned and adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were treated.
The responsible ensures that has implemented technical policies and organizational measures for implementing security measures that establish the GDPR in order to protect the rights and freedoms of users and has informed you of the appropriate information to be able to exercise them.
© 2022 Falconer Logistics Service - All rights reserved. Last Updated: February 2022